Inexperienced youth is the most vulnerable layer in the society. This is the time when they are expected to perform certain duties, they are required to behave in certain manner, follow certain rules of society and are again expected to shed their child hood and step into the world of maturity and act accordingly. This may take time and efforts to adjust on family, friends and social front with some, but with some of them it may not be really easy to get accustomed with the changing roles. They are unable to cope up with the pace of life and get behind.
They may resume in any of activities which may cover for their failure. Their acts may reflect this in many ways like dropping out of the college, react to any and each situation in similar manner, retire into own shell and close down doors for others or even get addicted to substances etc. These acts may be seen as covering ones, but if not treated on time they may turn into very ugly lifestyle that may have criminal or distorted behavioral shades.
Youth needs to be treated with great care. They have high energy levels, great enthusiasm to face life with zest. These energies need to be channelized in a proper constructive way. It takes place on two fronts, one is the family front and the other one is college. It is a collaborative activity. But is it not always good at both the ends. Sometimes it may get imbalanced causing the youth to follow any of the above mentioned activities. For every problem there is a solution. Addiction is one of the major problems the young people face. There are rehab centers which help these drifted souls.
They have sophisticated instruments, highly skilled clinical and therapeutic staff, state of art infrastructure for a compassionate care and complete recovery. Apart from these facilities, the rehabs aim at putting their clients at par with other healthy adults in career front as well. Sober college is a very good example of such rehabs which have joined hands with college for providing their newly sobers a degree. Many colleges may deny admission to addicts following their policies. But specialized colleges for newly sobers or those underway to recovery stand equal chance to update their knowledge level and prove themselves in life.
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