Youth is the foundation stone of the new generation, which has the power to change the entire existing scenario. It can turn a simple nation into strong one with its sheer enthusiasm and willingness. They are the most subtle yet most influential and creative force. Their ideas can be very useful in the future. Every older generation retires to give space to the new and bubbling generation. There are lots of expectations laid on them. It is a responsibility of the older ones to mold these souls and turn them into responsible adults. Many times these expectations cross their limits and go way beyond to take a toll on the youth.
The most inexperienced stratum of society is the youth and expecting too much out of them can be labeled as a crime against them. These young people may not respond to situations given to them in a similar way. They may face it bravely or may get shattered. Those who brave through such tedious situations can emerge as stronger individuals.
But there is huge number of people who suffer in the hands of brutal situation. They cannot deal with the harsh reality bravely and get pressurized. They take the easiest way out and that is to run away from facing the reality. They try to find out short cuts or escape ways like pretending, getting addicted to various substances and so on. These people do not intend to ruin their life, but considering their personalities, they are not left with any other choice than to get carried by the addiction. One thing they do not realize is that, they actually ruin their life by doing this.
The addictive substances spread in the entire body and take control. This dependency is very much welcomed during initial stage. As they say, anything too much is harmful. Slowly but steadily, this addiction enslaves a person and takes total control of the addict’s life. The addiction can make someone do such notorious things, which a normal person can never imagine of committing them. But under the spell of addiction, these people can go against their normal behavior. For such addicts there is special drug rehab, which offer college rehab program. This program aims not only at detoxifying the body, offer recovery treatment as well as take care of their future by offering them higher education and put them on right path.
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