It is believed that the native people of United States Of America migrated from Asia some 12,000 to 40,000 years ago and developed state-level societies. In due course of time these natives died of epidemics such as smallpox. Christopher Columbus was the first European in 1492 to come up in contact with the indigenous people of America. Though the French and Spanish tried to make settlements here, it was England which came victorious in the long run. America became an independent nation in 1787 under the official name of United States of America. Speaking of area, the United States of America comes third in the world only after Russia and China. This country is so vast that in many areas experiencing extreme climatic changes is not unusual. This country has 50 states in total with New York as the largest city of USA and Washington D.C as the administrative capital.
California,the third largest state by area, is located on the west coast of the United States OF America. California drug rehab program is also famous for being home to five famous cities of the world namely Los Angeles,San Francisco,San Jose,San Diego and Fresno. The major language spoken here is English followed by Spanish. The culture of California is not free from Hispanic influences and that might be one of the reasons why Spanish is so widely spoken there. This can be accounted to the geography of California as it being a coast line, it has been always influenced by immigrants.. In general California is considered more liberal to other states of America and it is\ a melting pot in true sense. As far as the religious denominations are concerned ,Roman Catholic Church dominates by 31 percent followed by Evangelical Protestants.
One of the major crimes USA is dealing now is drug abuse and the trade of illegal trade and California is no stranger to this pervasive problem. A california drug rehab program is one of the ways to help the victim get rid of the addiction. If one wants to know more about it,one just have to type drug rehab California and search for it in Google. In a fraction of second one will be having access to the address and contact number of many rehabilitation centres. On January 23,2009 as reported by CNN drugs worth $1 billion were seized which was followed by arrest of 82 Mexican nationals. Drug trafficking has indeed become a major nuisance of modern times.
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