Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Time for withdrawal - drug rehab treatment

It would be incorrect to assume that the drug addicts are only those people who are sad or depressed in their lives. This is in fact one of the cases but the film professionals have been tagged as potential customers of drugs. The tinsel town is rife with such struggling, established or seasoned actors and actresses and models that go mad and wild in their hunt for substances.

The drug peddlers have confirmed that the party animals, Page3 crowd, film personalities inhale or have drugs like crazy. Some of them gulp more than five six times in a day. They are rich, money is perennial and as such the flow of inhalers is eternal. They cannot even stand or speak properly if they skip their daily deadly dosage. The question “anything going on” means “are you selling drugs?” in drug lingo. Instead of calling spade a spade, new names have been formed to christen the drugs. Like for example Aunt Mary or babysitter for marijuana, angels in the sky for LSD, black pearl or blue bag for heroin, devil smoke or double bubble for cocaine, dream stick or dreams for opium so on and so forth.

The list is endless. Infact these words are used as a code word by the addicts while they are making deal with the sellers. So instead of saying cocaine or LSD or hashish they prefer these so called drug- jargons. It is so distressing to see how the energy is wasted behind all this killer stuff. So one can fairly imagine what condition they deteriorate when they are dragged into rehabilitation centers. California drug rehab recalls of treating many such cases where people were pulled out of trash and grime that they dwelled in for years.

It is a shock when statistics reveal the number of doctors who prescribe illegal drugs to the addicts for that bunch of shining crisp green notes. They should stop doing the same. If they aren't doing any good to the society, they shouldn't do the opposite as well. But the tragedy is neither they would listen nor they would discontinue. Trance music events are considered as hotbeds of drug exchange and use. In many parts of the world it has been banned by the law enforcement personnel. That is indeed a task to be credited. Drug rehab California has always excelled in helping the addicts to get rid of their aficionado. Recovery is essential if these lovers of wrong things want to breathe fresh air in the air of normalcy.

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